A brief in-and-out on neuropathy
Neuropathy is a debilitating health condition which primarily refers to pain, weakness and a numb sensation in hands and feet. Now, for some, this could be a sharp, shooting pain that generally surfaces in the middle of the night, while others could experience a gradual onset of burning or a tingling sensation all through the day. It could also grow into severe sensitivity upon touching, and even disability or a lack of coordination. Often known as peripheral neuropathy, this frequently chronic condition is usually a symptom of nerve damage and could take years or even a lifetime to heal.
The causes behind the condition
Nerve damage that is caused due to an underlying problem called diabetes, is called as diabetic neuropathy. It is a common term and is something that is experienced by a wide number of those who are battling diabetes all across the world. The problem of neuropathy can also be attributed to several other factors, such as an inflammatory infection, injury, chemotherapy, auto-immune diseases, protein abnormalities or poor nutrition, and even an exposure to toxins. There are several treatment options available that help provide relief from the symptoms, but it is unlikely to get entirely cured.
The need to lookout for natural solutions
Nonetheless, this unbearable nerve pain often becomes too much to bear, and makes you want to lookout for over the counter painkillers. While these may provide temporary relief, they are not all that strong to battle severe nerve pain. That’s what makes the sufferer want to look out for some natural means that provide relief for long and without any side effects of their own. Let us have a look at some of these, and see how they work. Besides, a good and balanced nutrition along with regular exercising can help prevent the condition from getting worse.
A wonder herb called Berberis aristata
Also known as Daruharidra, tree turmeric or even Indian Beri Beri, Berberis aristata is a herb which is loaded with useful health nutrients. Various traditional means of healthcare, especially Ayurveda, swears by the incredible health properties of this herb which make it an excellent herbal medicine. It is not only the fruit but also the stem and roots of this herb which are used for the purpose of making medicine. While the fruit is rich in vitamin C, the root contains some potent chemical compounds and alkaloids, including Berberine. This incredible composition makes this herb an effective anti-inflammatory agent. Besides, it also contains several other healing properties such as being anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral etc.
Anti-diabetic effect of Berberis
In case of neuropathy, it is the anti-diabetic property of this herb which comes into play. It works by increasing the production of insulin in your body, thus preventing the blood sugar levels from rising too much and causing various side complications, including neuropathy. It is also believed to provide relief from external pain and inflammation, if you apply a fine paste of this herb topically on the affected area.
The goodness of Gymnema
Another herb that is especially known for its anti-diabetic properties is Gymnema. Owing to the presence of gymnemic acid, this herb goes a long way in suppressing your hunger and cravings for something sweet by blocking the sugar receptors present on your taste buds. It is also effective at regulating the blood glucose levels in the body, along with the fluctuating insulin levels among diabetic patients. As far as excessive body weight is concerned, a problem common among diabetics, this particular herb promotes a reduced calorie intake, thus going a long way in helping you to reduce and maintain it. Besides, it also exhibits neuroprotective properties that prevent the nerves from any further damage.
Dosage recommendations
With all these benefits, there is no wonder as to why they like to call Gymnema the future of diabetes treatment, as well as that for the complications associated with this disease. Usually consumed in the form of tablets, pills and even powder, Gymnema supplements are turning out to be a promising means of complimentary diabetic treatment. Alternatively, you may also chew on some fresh Gymnema leaves or brew them to make a nice hot cup of tea. These are rather safe and free from any side effects.
And lastly..
Although these herbs don’t promise a complete cure from the condition of diabetic neuropathy, but they do serve as promising alternative means of treatment, and help address the severity of diabetes, one of the major underlying causes of neuropathy.
Sanat Dianova
Having come up with Dianova capsules, Sanat is providing innovative care in Diabetes. This product is particularly used in Diabetes mellitus by increasing the glucose uptake inside the cells, insulin sensitizing effect, incretin effects and by DDP4 inhibition. Dianova contains Berberine aristata extract 500mg and Gymnema extract 100 mg and the recommended dosage is one capsule twice in a day.
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