Berberine is a plant derived alkaloid which is thoroughly loaded with some incredible therapeutic properties. This compound can be found in various plants such as goldenseal, goldthread, tree turmeric, European barberry, etc. Various traditional systems of medication, including Ayurveda, vouch for berberine owing to the sheer range of benefits it has to offer.
Incredible healthcare properties
Being antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anticonvulsant, hypotensive, sedative, uterotonic, antihelminthic and carminative are some of the properties what makes berberine highly therapeutic in nature. Besides, this yellow-coloured alkaloid also helps manage and regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels in our body.
Benefits in CVD (cardio-vascular disease)
One of the significant and sought after benefits of berberine, however, is the fact that it prevents the onset of what is known as metabolic syndrome. This is basically a set of conditions which raise the chances of suffering from a cardiovascular disease (CVD). These conditions may include hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, frequent and excessive clotting etc. CVD is becoming increasingly common and lasting, and so is the variety of medication that promises relief. But the need of the hour is something that is all natural, actually effective and far from any side effects. Hence, the use of berberine comes handy and dependable.
Benefits of Berberine
It is alleged that this miracle natural compound plays a prominent role in preventing congestive heart failure, thus promoting the heart function and general wellbeing. It supports the overall metabolic activity of our body, thus preventing the occurrence of various disorders associated with metabolism. Besides, it is cardio-protective and helps prevent a slew of hazards associated with cardiovascular health.
Boon for the heart
Berberine benefits and takes care of the heart of an individual in more ways than one. Here’s a brief rundown on how Berberine manages to achieve this.
Benefits in Dyslipidemia
As the name suggests, dyslipidemia is a condition wherein the level of lipids in the blood are abnormal i.e. either too high, or too low. Lipids, which include HDL, LDL and triglycerides, are basically the cholesterol and fats floating around in our blood, and constitute an important component of the living cells in our body. Dyslipidemia often becomes a cause for concern because, over a period of time, this abnormality can lead to various heart problems. Hence, the need for something that is natural, safe and effective.
Berberine for dyslipidemia
In case of dyslipidemia, Berberine comes naturally equipped with handling the associated problems, thanks to the fact that it aids in lowering the glucose levels as well as regulating the cholesterol levels in our body. At the same time, it also helps diabetics and people who are struggling with conditions of obesity and weight issues, both of which could be indirect causes behind unhealthy and abnormal cholesterol levels.
Berberine continues to see an increase in its acceptance as an effective herbal add-on. These herbal supplements containing berberine extract are available in the market, which can be consumed orally. The prescribed dosage which generally is to be taken twice or thrice a day along with meals has shown rather swift and effective results.
Lifestyle Changes help
Besides, making a few diet and lifestyle modifications such as taking a healthy, balanced diet, exercising regularly and losing some weight can help deter the risks associated with heart disease. These lifestyle modifications also go a long way in preventing and, to some extent, curing the condition of CVDs. These include eating a diet that is low on saturated as well as trans fats, regular exercising and making a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and beans, etc a part of your everyday meals. Dyslipidemia in itself is not all that serious, but the problems it could lead to can indeed get us in some serious trouble if we ignore this for long. So go ahead and make sure to supplement yourself with the natural goodness of berberine.
Sanat Dianova
Cap. Dianova from the house of Sanat Products ltd contains Berberine as its key ingredient which other than being effective in CVD and Dyslipidemia, is readily advised in a number of heath conditions like diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, fatty liver disease and PCOS.
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